Motor Rewinding
The worlds most southern Rewind Shop
Wallace Murray Electrical started in 1960 as a Motor rewind shop, and still today we have some of the best Rewinders in the country.
Large motors can be stripped and rewound with in days provide a quick solution when New motors can be months away.
Under normal conditions it is more economical to rewind any motor above a 11kW but if the motor is non standard rewinding can be the best solution for all sizes
Benefits of rewinding Motors Include:
Cost Effective (Normally Cheaper than New)
Quicker Delivery than New for Non-standard Motors
Increased Insulation on wire gives it potentially longer life than a new Motor

We provide a full range of services, both in-house and in the field, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Wherever the issue, we'll help you get it sorted
PHONE | 03 2186947
EMAIL | sales@wallacemurray.co.nz
10 Bowmont Street, Appleby
Invercargill 9812

With over 50 years experience in our region,
you can rest assured that we know what works in and around Southland.